Interpolate the trajectory of past shoreline displacement to a target location within the spatial coverage on the Skagerrak coast of south-eastern Norway. This based on the distance of the location to the shoreline isobases of the geologically derived displacement curves and is done using inverse distance weighting.
isobases = NA,
power = 2,
cal_reso = 10,
verbose = FALSE
A spatial target location to where the new displacement curve is interpolated.
4 spatial lines representing the shoreline isobases of the
existing displacement curves. Multiple sets of 4 isobases with different
isobase directions can be provided (see create_isobases()
). Defaults to
isobases with a direction of 327
A numerical value indicating the inverse distance power for IDW.
Defaults to 2
A numerical value specifying the resolution to use on the
calendar scale. Defaults to 10
Logical value indicating whether progress should be printed to
console. Defaults to FALSE
Returns a list holding an interpolated displacement curve for each
isobase direction. Each displacement curve is represented by a data frame
with the columns bce
where negative values indicate years BCE and positive
CE, lowerelev
, representing the lower limit for the elevation of the
shoreline for each year. upperelev
, the upper limit for elevation of the
shoreline for each year, and direction
which indicates the direction of
the isobases used when interpolating the curve.
# Create example point using the required coordinate system
# WGS84 / zone UTM32N (EPSG: 32632)
target_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(579570, 6582982)), crs = 32632)
# Interpolate shoreline displacement curve to the target point location,
# setting the resolution on the calendar scale to 2000 years for speed.
target_curve <- interpolate_curve(target_point, cal_reso = 2000)