Function for plotting shoreline dates along with associated metadata.

  date_probability = TRUE,
  date_probability_scale = 10000,
  elevation_distribution = TRUE,
  displacement_curve = TRUE,
  site_name = FALSE,
  parameters = FALSE,
  isobase_direction = FALSE,
  highest_density_region = TRUE,
  hdr_label = TRUE,
  multiplot = FALSE,
  date_col = NA,
  date_fill = "darkgrey",
  displacement_col = "red",
  displacement_fill = "red",
  site_elevation_col = "#046c9a",
  site_elevation_fill = "#046c9a",
  hdr_col = "black",
  hdr_label_xadj = 0.2,
  hdr_label_yadj = 0.3,
  greyscale = FALSE



Object of class shoreline_date.


Logical value indicating whether the probability distribution of the shoreline date should be plotted. Defaults to TRUE.


Numerical constant with which to scale the probability distribution of the date to make it fit the plot. Defaults to 10000.


Logical value indicating whether the distribution describing the distance between site and shoreline should be displayed. Default is TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the displacement curve should be displayed. Default is TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the name of the site should be printed in the header of the plot. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether the parameters of the statistical function should be displayed. Default is FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether the direction of the isobases should be printed. Default is FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether the 95% highest density region should be displayed. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the numeric values for the highest density regions should be displayed. Default is TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether multiple dates should be plotted individually, or be collapsed into a single plot. The only other graphical option with multiplot set to TRUE is highest_density_region. Default is FALSE.


Character value specifying the outline colour of the probability distribution of the shoreline date. Defaults to NA.


Character value specifying the fill colour of the probability distribution of the shoreline date. Defaults to "darkgrey".


Character value specifying the outline colour of the displacement curve. Defaults to "red".


Character value specifying the fill colour of the displacement curve. Defaults to "red".


Character value specifying the outline colour of the distribution describing the likely distance between site and shoreline. Defaults to "#046c9a".


Character value specifying the fill colour of the distribution describing the likely distance between site and shoreline. Defaults to "#046c9a".


Character value specifying the colour of the line segment giving the highest density region of the shoreline date. Defaults to "black".


Numerical value between 0 and 1 specifying the position of the HDR label on the x-axis. Increasing the value moves the label further from the plot border. Defaults to 0.2.


Numerical value between 0 and 1 specifying the position of the HDR label on the y-axis. Increasing the value moves the label further from the plot border. Defaults to 0.3.


Logical value indicating whether the plot should be in greyscale or not. If TRUE, overrides other colour parameters. Defaults to FALSE.


Plot(s) displaying shoreline dates and associated metadata.


shoredate_plot() returns a plot displaying the provided shoreline dates. A single plot is created for each date, where a range of settings can be adjusted to display or hide various parameters and results. Setting the parameter multiplot to TRUE returns a sparser version for multiple dates, where the only option is whether or not to display the highest density region in addition to each date. multiplot does not allow for multiple isobase directions. Negative values denote years BCE while positive values denote CE.


# Create example point with correct coordinate reference system
target_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(538310, 6544255)), crs = 32632)

# Reduce date resolution with cal_reso and elevation_reso for speed
target_date <- shoreline_date(sites = target_point, elevation = 80,
                              elev_reso = 10,
                              cal_reso = 500)
